Saturday, February 2, 2013

I think about a lot too much.

Let's talk about making a difference. 

The other day, I was talking to one of my teachers. She was telling me a story of an amazing of a man who is a lawyer who started a non-profit organization and helps with legal cases in Uganda and other countries. I felt  a flutter in my chest when she told me that he saved children from a grotesque death and got to meet many world leaders because of what he does, but I couldn't help thinking selfishly...

What am I doing with my life?

 I mean really, I sit around watching Netflix all day and sit on the computer. After hearing stories of amazing things amazing people do, the question often stares you in the eye and mocks you, jeering and poking you every time one of your accomplishments is less measurable to someone else's.

Walking away from class, the question still haunted me. Granted, I'm only 17, but even people my age have done some praise-worthy things. I follow blogs that are for non-profit organizations helping out with drugs, trafficking, third world countries, and many more. Every time I see a post showing what a difference they make, that darn question pops in my mind.

But another question made its way to mind too...

Does making a big difference mean you have to do something big?

By big, I mean starting an organization for needy children, helping orphanages in Africa, ministering to woman with anorexia, etc. You know what I mean. As I sat there pondering the question, somewhere inside of me, a little voice answered. It said...

Sometimes the biggest difference comes from the littlest act.

So no, I don't necessarily think that I have to be in third world countries feeding the hungry to make a difference (but hey, I definitely wouldn't mind having that opportunity). I think it can come from a daily act of kindness and willingness to be the change. It can come from being there for a friend no matter what, paying for a stranger's meal, or standing up for the kid that is being harassed. It can come from all of us, even the ones who think they are too small to make any change. It comes from willingness and compassion. 
It comes from within. 

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