Thursday, January 10, 2013

Small girl hearing a big lesson.


The connotation of that word is perceived differently by many. You may have thought of the look in a man's eye as the love of his life walks down the isle. You may have thought of a mother giving up anything to see her child happy. You may have even thought of sizzling and enchanting smell and taste of cream cheese Mexican sopapillas...Really? No one else? Okay, apparently I am the only sane one here. Anyway, my point is that love is different to different people. So if many people perceive it SO many different ways, how are we to know what true love is and is not?

Before the bible was translated to English, the New Testament was in Greek. There were three names in the bible to call love, all differentiate slightly, but overall mean love. These were...

Storge- This is closeness, such as the immediate love for family. It is natural. This love doesn't require sacrifice.
Phileo- This is based on feelings you acquire for a person, such as a best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend. This love only requires sacrifice if love is returned. 
Agape- The kind of love that is demonstrated by Christ. This love requires nothing in return.

1 Corinthians 13 is a very popular chapter talking about love. It is plastered all over social media, tattoos, letters, etc. when a person is trying to express love towards another person (Phileo). I think the whole chapter is very misunderstood. People unconsciously think that this is talking about romantic love. This is not necessarily false, but the chapter is talking about the kind of love that can only be given from God through you.

It is talking about the kind of love that is patient, kind, not envious, humble, forgiving, doesn't dishonor, isn't selfish, is not provoked easily, keeps no records of wrongs, rejoices in truth, bears all things, is believing, hopes in all things, and endures all things. 

You might be thinking..."WOW. How in the world can a love be that perfect?" Well ladies and gentleman, it is not of this world, which therefore means it can be perfect. This kind of love is the love that we are called to demonstrate. You might be thinking now, "Well if it is not of this world, than how does God expect me to achieve this kind of love?" The only way this love can be achieved is through God. He has to work this through you. It will involve some discipline. Some heartache. Some disappointment. A LOT of praying. To be completely honest, you'll never be perfect at it. Now you may be thinking, "Well if I'll never be perfect at it, then why even try at all?" Because it is God's Will for all mankind. He will bless you for it, and you will bless Him for it. 
Also, imagine the amount of lives you can touch by trying to demonstrate this kind of love compared to the lives you can touch by not trying at all.

Think about how many a times a day we have the opportunity to touch someone's life, or be the change we want to see. If there was some invisible tracker counting how many opportunities like this we miss a day, the numbers would probably be very embarrassing. 

Christ demonstrated agape love throughout his life, from his miracles, to his teachings, to his sacrifice. We should all strive to be more Christ-like. Love requires sacrifice. 

Time to reevaluate the way I treat people.

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